What is Articulatory Phonetics?


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Articulatory Phonetics

All the sounds we make when we speak are the result of muscles contracting. The muscles in the chest that we use for breathing produce the flow of air that is needed for almost all speech sounds; muscles in the larynx produce many different modifications in the flow of air from the chest to the mouth. After passing through the larynx, the air goes through what we call the vocal tract, which ends at the mouth and nostrils; 

🌟 We call the part comprising the mouth "The Oral Cavity".


🌟 The part that leads to the nostrils "The Nasal Cavity" 

Here the air from the lungs escapes into the atmosphere. We have a large and complex set of muscles that can produce changes in the shape of the vocal tract, and in order to learn how the sounds of speech are produced it is necessary to become familiar with the different parts of the vocal tract.  These different parts are called articulators, and the study of them is called articulatory phonetics.

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Accent vs. Dialect


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#Accent vs. #Dialect

The word accent is often confused with dialect. The word "dialect" refers to a variety of a language which is different from others in pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and word order.  The word "accent", on the other hand, refers to pronunciation differences only.

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Stress and Intonation


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#Stress: is the relative strength of a syllable. 

#Intonation: is the use of the pitch of the voice to convey meaning. 

As an example of stress, consider the difference between the pronunciation of "contract" as a noun (‘they signed a contract) and "contract" as a verb (it started to contract). 

In the former, the stress is on the first syllable, while in the latter it is on the second syllable.  In General, the stress goes on the first syllable in nouns and on the second syllable in verbs. 

A possible example of intonation would be the different pitch movements on the word "well" said as an exclamation and as a question: in the first case the pitch will usually fall from high to low, while in the second it will rise from low to high.

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In any language we can identify a small number of regularly used sounds (vowels and consonants) that we call phonemes; for example, the vowels in the words ‘pin’ and ‘pen’ are different phonemes, and so are the consonants at the beginning of the words ‘pet’ and ‘bet’. 

Because of the notoriously confusing nature of English spelling, it is particularly important to learn to think of English pronunciation in terms of phonemes rather than letters of the alphabet. So, a phoneme is the smallest unit of sound in a word that makes a difference in its pronunciation, as well as its meaning, from another word. For instance, the /s/ in ‘soar’ distinguishes it from /r/ in ‘roar’, as it becomes different from ‘soar’ in pronunciation as well as meaning.

Sumber materi https://t.me/English_Phonetics_and_Phonology

Three Types of Phonetics


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There are three types of Phonetics: 

🎓1- Articulatory Phonetics: describes how sounds (vowel and consonant sounds) are articulated in various parts of the mouth and throat. ((How we PRODUCE Sounds))

🎓2- Acoustic Phonetics: describes how sounds travel in the air the form of vibrations from the speaker’s mouth to the hearer’s ear.  ((The Physics of Sounds))

🎓3- Auditory Phonetics: describes how sounds are perceived. In other words, how the brain decodes the wave sounds back into vowels and consonants originally intended by the speaker. ((How brain PROCESSES Sounds))

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We all know that English has 26 letters, but there are 44 sounds: 

20 vowels + 24 consonants (= 44 sounds listed with examples in the picture above)

So, we need to differentiate between a letter and its sound(s). 

The letter "a", for example, has many sounds in English:

- /æ/ as in "fat" 

- /eɪ/ as in "fate"

- /ɑ:/ as in "far" 

- /ə/ as in "around"

- /eə/ as in "careful"

My Wattpad [09/05/2021]


My Stories : (If you want to read it, just click the title there)

1. Short Story : Let Go 

2. Sequel of Let Go : Learn to Let Go

3. The Truth 

4. Short Stories

5. Destiné à Faire

My Collaboration Stories : (If you want to read it, just click the title there)

1. Gio's Life

2. Dream, Love and Friendship

3. Love Scenario

4. Love Revenge

5. Awas Galmov

IDIOM : Wild goose chase


Sumber : https://t.me/joinchat/B-ntRD2Ne5WlbBgfsDA64Q

💬Wild goose chase

Meaning: Chasing something that’s very difficult (or impossible) to catch

🦢Imagine chasing a wild goose around and trying to catch it. Geese are fast, strong and awkward animals—catching one would probably be very hard, and it would also look very silly!


🌿 You’re taking me on a wild goose chase, will you just give me an exact address where I should go?🦢

🌿After two hours spent wandering in the snow, I realized we were on a wild goose chase.🦢




IDIOM : I could eat a horse


Sumber : https://t.me/joinchat/B-ntRD2Ne5WlbBgfsDA64Q

💬I could eat a horse

Means: Some people use the expression ' I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse' to emphasise that they are extremely hungry and could eat a lot of food. You can also use the shortened version 'I could eat a horse.'


🎆 I haven't eaten all day! I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse.🥙🌮🥪

🌅Please can we go and get some food now? We've been walking around all day without any snacks! I could eat a horse!🥮🌮




Contoh Argumentative Writing : Smartphone Usage Should be Controlled for Children

 Written by : Rina Khafizah

In these days, smartphone is one of the most important tools that probably everyone should have. Why? Because in these globalization eras, everything will be connected easier through electronic items, such as gadget or we might call it smartphone. People these days normally using their smartphone to get to know any updates from everything. We can say that smartphone is really helping us for connecting with people that stay aboard. Not just people that we just know, smartphone also help us to stay connect with our family that we can't see every day or in some period of time. Even though smartphone helps us in many aspects, still use it too much will be a bad thing, especially for children.

In the past few months, the percentage of children using smartphone is increased because many schools going to online. Even though not all children doing it, but most of them will get distracted when they should be studying. Most of them will take more time playing with their smartphone even though they have a lot of homework. According to researchers, the use of smartphone for children will make them addicted and it will certainly affect their academic grades in school. “Students actually know and realize that the use of technology has a negative impact on people around them when used for off-task purposes like browsing the web,” Elena Neiterman, a Waterloo teaching fellow and one of the authors of the study, said. “They still feel like is still necessary when the classes are not engaging enough.”  They will be studying for a couple of minutes then when their smartphone rings, they will immediately pick it up and end up being busy with it. They will forget about their homework as soon as they have their smartphone on their hands. Based on that, their academic grades will be affected. If they spend too much time for smartphone and don't studying at all, they will be easily distracted and when they have to face the exams, they will not be ready at all. Then, they will get a low score.

Not just risk their academic grades, using smartphone too much will affect their social life as well. Let's just say, they will be just focus on their smartphone and everything will be ignored by them. Their friendship will have a big distance because they too focus on their smartphone. “Smartphones and their affordances create new contexts for disclosing information about who we are and for being responsive to others, and these virtual connections may have downstream unwanted effects on our current relationships. When you are distracted into or by the device, then your attention is divided, and being responsive to our partners – an essential ingredient for building intimacy – requires attention in the here and now.” said one of the Professor from University of Arizona psychology, Professor David Sbarra.  In some cases, based on my experience, many children will ignore their parents too. For example, when their parents ask them for help and they just focus on their smartphone, they will absolutely don't want to do it.

Using smartphone too much will also affect their health. Like playing games with their smartphone or just searching the internet in a long time without rest will be bad for their health. In 2011, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified mobile phone radiation possibly carcinogenic, means that there “could be some risk” of carcinogenicity, so additional research into the long-term, heavy use of mobile phones needs to be conducted. The American Cancer Society (ACS) states that the IARC classification means that there could be some risk associated with cancer, but the evidence is not strong enough to be considered causal and needs to be investigated further. Individuals who are concerned about radiofrequency exposure can limit their exposure, including using an ear piece and limiting cell phone use, particularly among children. Because they're addicted to the smartphone, sometimes they would probably skip their lunch or even their dinner. It can be happened if they found something interesting on the internet and they'll feel it would be bad idea if they leave it even just for meals. Then, because of that, they will get sick easily. Not just their body, but their eyes too. Watching smartphone for a period of time and didn't rest at all will definitely make their eyes tired. Their eyes will be getting red and little bit wet, that's a sign so that they will know that they need rest. If they still doing it without rest or give their body some nutrients, they will get sick and their eyes will be hurt.

Although smartphones have a lot of bad impacts for children, adults (especially parents) should be able to take care of them. Make a schedule for the children so that they can separate time when can they playing their phones and when they should be studying. Give the time limit for them when they want to play their gadget and remind them don’t skip their mealtime and sleep time so that they can be productive. Smartphones in these days just like an important tool that everyone should have because it’ll help everyone to do their jobs. Even children, smartphone will help them on doing their homework so that they can get an information everywhere, anytime and unlimited access. In the year of 2008, smartphone industries welcomed a new operating system called Android, introduced by Google. The concepts of smartphone applications came around at the same time when the first smartphones were released. Since then, many applications to run on an Android operating system have been developed by programmers around the world. The popularity of smartphone is very encouraging.

        Based on those explanations, using smartphone for children should be controlled by adults, especially their parents. Using smartphone without any adult watching them will end up being addicted. They will focus on the smartphone and forgot their school, homework, friends even their health. Smartphone is a very useful tool but sometimes using it over and out of control will be a bad idea. Especially for children, they should be watched by adults when they got a chance to hold a smartphone on their hands. In these eras, if children using smartphone without any adults controlled them, they will be lost on some sites that might be dangerous for themselves. Not just that, using smartphone too often and don't study will affect their academic scores and their social life as well. So that, using smartphone should be controlled for children to handle that kind of issue.

Komponen Kurikulum, Silabus dan RPP

A. Kurikulum memiliki komponen-komponen yang saling terintegrasi satu sama lain. Komponen-komponen utama kurikulum yaitu 

1) tujuan; 

(2) materi; 

(3) strategi pembelajaran; 

(4) organisasi kurikulum, dan 

(5) evaluasi. 

B. Komponen-komponen yang terdapat dalam silabus adalah, sebagai berikut:

(1) Standar Kompetensi, 

(2) Kompetensi Dasar, 

(3) Materi Pokok/Pembelajaran, 

(4) Kegiatan Pembelajaran, 

(5) Indikator, 

(6) Penilaian,

(7) Alokasi Waktu, dan

(8) Sumber Belajar

C. Komponen-komponen yang terdapat dalam RPP adalah sebagai berikut, yaitu:

(1) identitas sekolah yaitu nama satuan pendidikan;

(2) identitas mata pelajaran atau tema/subtema;

(3) kelas/semester;

(4) materi pokok;

(5) alokasi waktu ditentukan sesuai dengan keperluan untuk pencapaian KD dan beban belajar dengan mempertimbangkan jumlah jam pelajaran yang tersedia dalam silabus dan KD yang harus dicapai;

(6) tujuan pembelajaran yang dirumuskan berdasarkan KD, dengan menggunakan kata kerja operasional yang dapat diamati dan diukur, yang mencakup sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan;

(7) kompetensi dasar dan indikator pencapaian kompetensi;

(8) materi pembelajaran, memuat fakta, konsep, prinsip, dan prosedur yang relevan, dan ditulis dalam bentuk butir-butir sesuai dengan rumusan indikator ketercapaian kompetensi;

(9) metode pembelajaran, digunakan oleh pendidik untuk mewujudkan suasana belajar dan proses pembelajaran agar peserta didik mencapai KD yang disesuaikan dengan karakteristik peserta didik dan KD yang akan dicapai;

(10) media pembelajaran, berupa alat bantu proses pembelajaran untuk menyampaikan materi pelajaran;

(11) sumber belajar, dapat berupa buku, media cetak dan elektronik, alam sekitar, atau sumber belajar lain yang relevan;

(12) langkah-langkah pembelajaran dilakukan melalui tahapan pendahuluan, inti, dan penutup; dan

(13) penilaian hasil pembelajaran.

Review 5W + 1H Curriculum and Syllabus

 • What 

The curriculum is a plan and arrangement which contains the objectives, content, and learning materials in a way that is used as a guide for implementing learning in order to achieve good educational goals. The syllabus is a learning plan (subject) with a specific theme which includes competency standards, learning materials, learning activities, competency achievement indicators for assessment, learning objectives, assessment, time allocation, and learning resources. The syllabus is described as a summary of the topics covered or units to be taught in a particular subject. The curriculum refers to the overall content, which is taught in an education system or courses.

• Why 

Both the curriculum and syllabus are needed in the world of education because they act as tools to help students develop their personalities. Both can be a study guide.

• How

The curriculum is made by Central Education administrators as a guide for teaching staff to make lesson plans, while the syllabus exists because it is prepared independently by the teacher concerned (usually teaching staff in educational institution units).

• Who 

The curriculum is made by the central education provider as a guide for teaching staff to make study plans, the syllabus is made by the teaching staff independently by explaining a brief description of what topics they will study during the learning process. Both the curriculum and syllabus are equally important because they are useful as guidelines in the teaching and learning process so that it is better for students and teachers themselves. With both, the goal of learning targets that are easy to understand and understand will work well.

• Where 

Curriculum and syllabus are needed in educational institutions after being determined by the education provider in order to adjust the standards that have been set.

• When

Both the curriculum and syllabus are equally provided to educational institutions according to their standards with time-prone adjustments according to the plan.

English Phonology Questions

 1. What is the main phonology?

Answer : Phonology is a branch of linguistics that studies how languages or dialects systematically organize their sounds (or signs, in sign languages). The term also refers to the sound system of any particular language variety. When we talk about how phonemes function in language, and the relationships among the different phonemes - when, in other words, we study the abstract side of the sounds of language, we are studying a related but different subject that we call phonology. Only by studying both the phonetics and the phonology of English is it possible to acquire a full understanding of the use of sounds in English speech. 

2. What is phonetics? 

Answer : Phonetics is a branch of linguistics that focuses on the production and classification of the world’s speech sounds.  The production of speech looks at the interaction of different vocal organs, for example the lips, tongue and teeth, to produce particular sounds.  By classification of speech, we focus on the sorting of speech sounds into categories which can be seen in what is called the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). There are three types of the study of the sounds of language. Acoustic Phonetics is the study of the physical properties of sounds. Auditory Phonetics is the study of the way listeners perceive sounds. Articulatory Phonetics is the study of how the vocal tracts produce the sounds. This article will only describe articulatory phonetics.

3. What is the objective in learning phonology? 

Answer : Understand the system of sound and sound combinations in English (Phonology). Understand how sounds are produced, how they are transmitted, and how they are perceived (Phonetics). Differentiate between consonants and vowels. Pronounce English sounds in isolation and in connected speech. Differentiate between consonants and vowels in all word-positions. Distinguish phonemes and allophones.

4. What is the significance in learning phonology?

Answer : Phonology is about sounds considered to be structured for conveying linguistic meaning so in the context of speaking a language this is very important because a language is only understood if spoken phonologically correct.

Contoh Essay : Learning English through Imitation Method

        Learning English is one of the things that is considered very useful. Since it was established as an international language, droves of students and even adults around the world are competing to learn English as an asset that benefits themselves, including in the world of work. Some jobs will usually provide more value for their workers if they have very useful skills, one of which is in the field of language. It cannot be blamed that language is an important aspect of working life. If we are able to use a foreign language, the more likely we are to win the world of work globally. One of the best ways to learn English is to use imitation methods which have been widely practiced in the world of education and produce satisfying results. Why is this method used so much? One of the reasons why this method is used by many students around the world to learn English is because this method is very convenient to use. First, this method is not too burdensome for students, it even seems that it makes students more able to learn quickly. Second, students will be more focused and easier to understand learning because they will understand more easily because while listening, they also immediately practice what they are learning. Some of the weaknesses of this method are that it will minimize the ability of students to be independent because it is considered to be more dependent on speaking because it only learns what is learned without any intention of finding out new things independently.

        Learning a language cannot be separated from a teacher. The same goes for learning English. Based on experience, learning English without a teacher will be very detrimental because without a teacher if a student experiences confusion or misunderstands something, then he doesn't know who to ask. That is one of the important roles of a teacher in learning. A teacher will certainly be very helpful for a student in studying, especially in learning English. English has so many stages that it is impossible for a student to learn independently without knowing what is right and what is wrong. So there, the role of the teacher is expected to be able to help students. Having a teacher makes students understand better what is being directed and taught. The teacher plays a role in providing material which will certainly be useful and learned by the student in learning it. Without a teacher, of course a student will feel lost. Without a teacher, students will not know what is right and what is wrong. Why is that? Because, the teacher is like a guide, he will direct the student so as not to make mistakes in learning.

        One of the easiest ways to learn English is by imitating. This method of course requires a teacher, because through this method the students will learn like a baby who will imitate the people in front of them. Likewise the student in this case. They will imitate what is taught by the teacher and then repeat it over and over again until they are deemed capable. Even by using this method, many students claim that it is easier for students to learn English, including vocabulary pronunciation and speaking as well. Imitating in learning English is one of the things that can naturally be found in the world of education, because many students choose easy things in learning. Learning English in this method is certainly a very beneficial thing for students. Because they unconsciously will be more fluent because they imitate the teacher. Just like a baby who is just learning to speak, the students will certainly prefer to practice the learning method directly so that they find it easier to learn. This technique is used by teachers because by using this method the students are judged to be more responsive and quick to learn personally. Learning to use this method is one of the things that is considered easy because besides the students will quickly learn vocabulary pronunciation and speaking, indirectly their listening skills will be honed. So this method provides so many advantages for students in learning. Learning pronunciation, speaking and even listening will greatly improve. Reading and writing skills will certainly develop as these abilities are honed. However, this method is considered more appropriate in learning speaking and listening than reading and writing.

        Using this method will certainly help students learn one of the speaking techniques, namely the accent. If the teacher teaches using an American accent, then of course the student will follow the teacher's accent too. Likewise, if the teacher uses a British accent, then the student will use the same accent. The use of accents in English is quite taken into account because it will add one of the plus points. Because it will attract a lot of interlocutors who prefer to hear the speaker when speaking. Moreover, when the speaker uses an accent that is rarely encountered, there must be many other people who want to learn from the speaker himself. The accent itself is one of the things that will be learned in speaking because accents really help identify which English we are learning. Say you studied American English so you would use an American accent instead of a British accent or an Australian accent? That's why in learning about it, an accent will be one of the important bonuses in learning English.

        Based on these things, it can be concluded that this mimic method will be considered one of the most widely used methods in teaching and learning techniques. This method is not too burdensome for students, even seeming to make students better able to learn quickly. Students will be directed and easier to understand learning because they will be easier to understand because while listening, they also practice what is learned. The weakness of this method will minimize the ability of students in independently because they are considered more dependent in speaking because they only learn what is learned without any intention to find out new things independently. A teacher will certainly be very helpful for a student in studying, especially in learning English. English has so many stages that will not be studied independently by a student without knowing which is right and which is wrong. So that's where the role of the teacher is expected to be able to help students. This method is very profitable, because it is considered easy because besides students will quickly learn the pronunciation of vocabulary and speaking, then indirectly skill listening to them will join.



Means: to avoid doing something usually with the purpose of saving time or money/ to do something in the easiest, cheapest, or fastest way.


🏫The business fell apart after about a year. I think the problem was that they tried to cut corners by hiring inexperienced staff.

🏢People were extremely angry that the school had cut corners.




Sumber : https://t.me/joinchat/B-ntRD2Ne5WlbBgfsDA64Q



Sumber gambar : https://dibustock.com/en/product/children-friends-smiling-happy/

Pernah enggak sih kalian denger kata-kata "you bet" di film-film Barat yang kalian tonton?

Kalau iya, tau enggak sih apa artinya?

"Kamu bertaruh?" Well, tebakan yang salah. 

Kok gitu? Nah, coba simak dulu contoh di bawah yuk!

Judy : Are you coming to Andy's party tonight? (Lo dateng ke pestanya si Andy malam ini?)

Jhonny : You bet!

Udah ketebak? Yup! Jadi, "you bet" tuh bukan diartikan sebagai bertaruh, ya. Artinya tuh lebih mirip dengan,


"Ya jelas!"




Sumber gambar : http://tpisolutionsink.com/printing-company-blog-waltham-ma-/

What is "a good egg" means?

A good egg means "orang yang bisa dipercaya atau diandalkan" in Bahasa. For example, 

Josh : I heard that you are going to hire Maya to be your assistant. (Saya dengar anda akan memperkerjakan Maya sebagai asisten anda.)

Kevin : Yeah, you're right. Do you think she's good for it? (Ya, anda benar. Apakah menurut anda dia bagus untuk itu?)

Josh : Yup! She won't let you down because she's a good egg. (Ya! Dia tidak akan mengecewakan anda karena dia orang yang bisa dipercaya.)