Difference Between Could and Would

🔹Main Difference – Could vs Would
Could and would are two modal verbs that often confuse English learners. Although both words can sometimes have similar meanings, these two verbs have specific functions. Could is the past tense of can and would is the past tense of will. Could indicates an ability whereas would indicates a possibility. This is the main difference between could and would.

🖇 Could – Meaning and Usage
Could is the past tense of can. Could can be used to express a possibility, ability, requests and permission. The use of could makes a sentence more polite and formal. You can notice these features by looking at the examples below.

We could have helped her.

You could have told me the truth.

The old man couldn’t hear anything before the operation.

When we were young, we could run so fast.

Could I ask some questions?

Could you please close the door?

Could I get you something to drink?

When could is used to indicate a possibility, could implies a weaker possibility (than can). Unlike can, could is only used to ask for permission; it cannot be used to grant permission. Most importantly, could is more formal than can.

🖇 Would – Meaning and Usage
Would is the past tense of will. Would can be used when talking about future in the past as well as in reported speech. It is also used in the formation of conditional clauses. Here, would indicates an imaginary or an impossible situation. Since would is the past form of will, it is also used to describe what people wanted to do or were willing to do.

He promised me that he would meet her next day.

She would let him eat in the dining hall when nobody was at home.

If you had helped me, I would have been successful.

If I were you, I would kill him.

If we had money, we would go abroad.

Would can also be used to express a wish, preference, offer, or request more politely since it is considered to be more polite and formal than will.

Would you like to have a cup of coffee – Offer

I would like to speak to you alone.– Request

I would rather kill myself than surrender. – Preference

I would like to travel the world one day. – Wish

Difference Between Could and Would
Sometimes many English learners are confused when would and could are used interchangeably in requests. For example,

Could you please close the door?

Would you please close the door?

Although both sentences are not incorrect, would indicates a willingness, possibility, and probability whereas could indicates ability.

🔎 Past Form
Could is the past tense of can.
Would is the past tense of will.

🔎 Indications
Could expresses ability and permission.
Would expresses preference, probability, request, offer, and wishes.

🔎Ability vs Probability
Could expresses an ability.
Would expresses a possibility or probability.

7 kata yang membingungkan

1. Advise, Advice

Advise (nasihat) - Tawaran saran tentang tindakan terbaik kepada seseorang.

Advice (saran) - suatu opini atau rekomendasi yang ditawarkan sebagai panduan tindakan, perilaku, dsb.

Example: Neha advised me to give Pooja an advice on what to wear for the party.

(Neha menasihati aku untuk memberi Pooja saran tentang pakaian untuk dikenakan ke pesta.)

2. Weather, Whether

Weather (cuaca) - keadaan atmosfer di suatu tempat dan waktu tertentu sehubungan dengan panas, awan, kekeringan, sinar matahari, angin, hujan, dsb.

Whether (seandainya, apakah, entah) - mengekspresikan keraguan atau pilihan di antara alternatif.

Example: Whether you agree to it or not, the weather has become cold.

(Entah kau menyetujuinya atau tidak, cuaca sudah menjadi dingin.)

3. Alter, Altar

Alter (perubahan) - perubahan dalam karakter atau komposisi, biasanya dengan cara yang relatif kecil tapi signifikan.

Altar (altar) - Tempat atau bangunan tinggi jaman dahulu untuk upacara religius yang mungkin dilangsungkan atau pada saat pengorbanan mungkin ditawarkan.

Example: We need to alter the altar. It is very old now.

(Kita harus mengubah altar itu. Sudah sangat tua sekarang.)

4. Principal, Principle

Principal (utama, pokok) - pertama dalam urutan kepentingan; utama.

Principle (prinsip, pendirian) - perilaku dan sikap yang benar secara moral.

Example: The principal of that school is a man of principles.

(Hal pokok dari sekolah itu adalah menjadi orang berprinsip.)

5. Bare, Bear

Bare (telanjang) - (orang atau bagian tubuh) tidak berpakaian atau tertutup.

Bear (beruang) -  mamalia besar dan berat yang berjalan dengan telapak kakinya, mempunyai bulu lebat dan ekor yang sangat pendek.

Bear (menahan) - menanggung/menyangga; membawa beban.

Example: The bear was bare. He was bearing the weight of the tree.

(Beruang itu telanjang. Dia menahan berat pohon itu.)

6. Whole, Hole

Whole (seluruh) - semua; keseluruhan.

Hole (lubang) - tempat berongga pada suatu badi atau permukaan yang solid.

There were holes in the whole cake.

(Ada lubang-lubang di seluruh kue itu.)

7. Prey, Pray

Prey (buruan) - hewan yang diburu dan dibunuh oleh sesuatu yang lain untuk makanan.

Pray (berdoa) -  ditujukan pada doa kepada Tuhan atau dewa lain.

The elephant fell prey to the tiger and got hurt. Everybody was praying for the elephant to get well soon.

(Gajah itu diburu harimau dan terluka. Semuanya berdoa untuk sang gajah supaya lekas sembuh.)

14 Singkatan Obrolan di WhatsApp

1. BRB - Be Right Back [Segera kembali]

2. BTW - By The Way {Dalam perjalanan]

3. OMG - Oh My God {Ya Tuhan]

4. POV - Point Of View [Sudut pandang]

5. TBH - To Be Honest [Sejujurnya]

6. FYI - For Your Information [Untuk informasi/Untuk Anda ketahui]

7. TTYL - Talk To You Later [Kita bicara lagi nanti]

8. LOL - Laugh Out Loud [Tertawa terbahak-bahak]

9. DND - Do Not Disturb [Jangan ganggu]

10. ASAP - As Soon As Possible [Sesegera mungkin]

11. DP - Display Picture [Gambar tampilan]

12. NTN - Nothing [Tidak ada]

13. THX - Thanks (TY = Thank you) [Terima kasih]

14. Bcoz - Because [Karena]