Complex Sentence

So what is Complex Sentence?
🎀 Complex sentence is a combination of one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. As we already know, independent clause is a clause that can stand alone as a sentence and dependent clause is a clause that cannot be a sentence or stand alone without something else to complete their meaning.

For example,
Maya left the party because her Mom called her.

As you can see there, we underlined the independent clause and let dependent clause without line. So, you can see which one is dependent and independent clause.

🖇 Note : in complex sentence, when the dependent clause comes first, separate the clause with a comma (,) but if the independent clause comes first, then do not separate them.

For example,
Because her Mom called her, Maya left the party.
Maya left the party because her Mom called her.

🎀 A dependent clause always begins with a subordinator. There are different kinds of subordinators.

Time subordinators begin a clause that tells when something happens (after, as, as soon as, before, since, until, when, whenever, while).
▶ He goes to the Market after he finishes his homework.
▶ Several overcrowded busses passed as we were waiting.
▶ He felt better as soon as she comes.
Before you apply to college, you have to take the exam.
▶ It has been two weeks since I saw you.
▶ We can't leave the room until everyone has finished the test.
When you start college, you sometimes have to take a placement test.
Whenever I don't sleep well, I feel sleepy in the next day.
▶ She talks very fast while talking to her Mom.

Reason subordinators begin a clause that tells why something happens (because, since, as).
▶ Jimmy got injured at sports because he trains very hard.
Since she works out daily, Julia is in great condition.
As they want to complete the task, they read a lot.

Place subordinators begin a clause that tells where something happens or where something is located (where, wherever).
▶ I can't remember where I put my keys.
▶ A baby animal follows its Mom wherever she goes.

What is a Compound Sentence?

What is a Compound Sentence? 

          Compound sentence is a sentence that at least have two simple sentences joined by a comma and a coordinating conjunction. A compound sentence consists two or more independent clauses and each one of them have their own subject and verb so that they can stand alone.

For example :
He dropped his ball, and it rolled into a hole in front of him. 

As you can see there, both of those underlined clauses are independent: they could be written as simple sentences. The joining word “and” is called coordinating conjunction. 

When do we use that conjunction? Well, you can see the explanation below.

- and, we can use this conjunction to join sentences that are alike.
For example : Anna's sister is having a dinner, and everyone is invited.

- but, we can use this conjunction to join sentences that are opposite or show contrast.
For example : Adi was happy, but Dea was sad.

- so, we can use this conjunction when the second sentence express the result of something described in the first sentence.
For example : Mila doesn't plan any party, so she'll stay at her bed all night long.

- or, we can use this conjunction to join sentences that give choice or alternatives.
For example : Hanif can choose a big card, or a small card.

- yet, we can use this conjunction if the second part of the sentence says something unexpected or surprising.
For example : I was scared, yet I was also curious about that haunted house.

- for, we can use this conjunction to introduce a reason or cause.
For example : It's not easy to join that club, for you who don't know anything about painting.

- nor, we can use this conjunction to join two negative sentences. Use question word order after nor. Place helping verbs.
For example :
He didn't talk, nor did he move.
The film isn't very long, nor is it difficult to understand.

Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction in compound sentence. Don't use a comma to join two words or two phrases in a simple sentence.

Another way to make a compound sentence is to combine the independent clauses with a semicolon (;). So, what's semicolon?Let's check the example below.

The weather was sunny; it was a hot afternoon.

When do we use a semicolon? Use semicolon sparingly in making compound sentence, and only if the following two conditions:
1) the thoughts of the two independent clauses are closely related.
2) a period could be substituted for semicolon to make two sentences.



    Sentence is a group of words that arranged and also have meanings or thoughts that can be understood. 

    Based on the structures, sentences can be devided into four types. 

1. Simple sentence : is a type of sentence that has a simple form or really simple, because consists only by independent clause. Usually, simple sentence has one subject and one predicate (verb). 
e.g : 
I slept. 

Based on the example above, we can see that the subject “I” doing something in the past, sleep. Is that sentence is a simple sentence? Yes, that is. Because simple sentence can stand alone without accompanied by any other sentence. 

2. Compound sentence : is a type of sentence that created by two simple sentence and connected using conjunctions. Without using conjunctions, those sentences can stand alone because they're simple sentence (independent clause). 
e.g : 
She's my sister and he's your brother. 

Based on the example above, we can see that two simple sentence “she's my sister” and “he's your brother" are simple sentences. They can stand alone and it's totally fine. If we want to say “she's my sister” and just say it, it's completely understandable. But, if you want to make something new on your sentence style, you can try to put two simple sentences as one by using conjunction and voila! A new sentence is ready. 

3. Complex sentence : is a type of sentence that has one independent clause and one or more dependent clause. Usually preceded by subordinating conjunction to connecting independent clause and dependent clause as one sentence. Without dependent clause, independent clause can still be understood to mean as a perfect sentence. Conversely, dependent clause cannot stand alone and will show imperfect sentences.
e.g : 
I was sleeping in my room when he arrived.

Based on the example above, we can know that “I was sleeping in my room” is an independent clause, because it can stand alone without any help from dependent clause, but a dependent clause can't stand alone without help from  independent clause. 

4. Compound–Complex sentence : is a type of sentence that combines compound sentence and complex sentence as one sentence. This type of sentence has two independent clause and one dependent clause. 
e.g :
Eventhough it is already late, James is still reading the Harry Potter while Daniel is browsing through his computer.

Based on the example above, we can take a conclusion that the first sentence is a dependent clause and the other two are independent clause. 

Based on how to use the sentence, we can devided into four types as well.

1. Declarative sentence to declare something.
Example : My sister is married.

2. Interrogative semester to make a question sentence.
Example : Do you know where I can get a handbag?

3. Imperative sentence to make a command, give an instruction or to ask something.
Example : Put your book on the table, please!

4. Exclamatory sentence to express a strong feeling.
Example : I really like Anna's dress. I wish I can get one like that. 

   As we all know, to make a simple sentence we need more than one word. So at least we need subject and predicate to complete a sentence. Now, let's discuss about part of sentence. Here, we have subject, predicate, object, clause and phrase.

1. Subject is a person who did the action.

2. Predicate is an action or usually we know as verb.

3. Object is something that receive an action from the subject.

4. Clause is a group of words that consists of a subject and a verb.

5. Phrase is a group of words that does NOT consist of a subject and a verb.