Mata Kuliah Elementary English Grammar : Past Progressive Tense

Mata kuliah : Elementary English Grammar
Kampus : IAIN Palangka Raya
Kelompok 6 :
• Nurlita Kurniawati
• Rina Khafizah

Past Progressive Tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kejadian yang sedang terjadi pada masa lampau dan masih tetap berlangsung ketika kejadian yang lain juga terjadi di masa lampau atau juga bisa untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang sedang terjadi namun di masa lampau.

Rumus :
Subject + was/were + Verb 1 + (ing) + Objek/complement

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English Idioms

Ok, let's learn English together here

1. Idiom Bad apple

Bad apple merupakan bentuk idiom dalam bahasa inggris yang memiliki arti a bad person who make other people bad, atau dengan kata lain adalah seseorang yang membawa pengaruh buruk terhadap orang lain.

Bagaimana contohnya dalam bahasa inggris?

1. She is a bad apple for me that’s why my mom doesn’t like her (dia adalah pembawa pengaruh buruk untuk ku itulah mengapa ibuku tidak menyukainya)

2. don’t tell me that you are a bad apple (jangan kataka pada ku bahwa kamu adalah pembawa pengaruh buruk)

3. I know him as a bad apple in this school (aku tau dia sebagai pembawa pengaruh buruk di sekolah)

4. I have a reason why she is a bad apple for me (aku punya alasan mengapa dia adalah pembawa pengaruh buruk untuk ku)

5. Don’t tell me that she is a bad apple (jangan katakan pada ku bahwa dia adalah pembawa pengaruh buruk)

2. Idiom Cooking blood

Ini juga merupakan bentuk idiom dalam bahasa inggris yang memiliki arti marah atau emosi akan suatu hal, kita bisa menggunakan idiom ini untuk menunjukan apabila kita marah terhadap seseorang.

Bagaimana Contohnya Dalam Bahasa Inggris?

1. I am cooking blood because of you (aku marah karena mu)

2. Don’t be cooking blood with me please (tolong jangan buat ku marah)

3. They can be cooking blood with me and I don’t like it (mereka bisa marah padaku dan aku tidak menyukainya)

4. it makes me so cooking blood (ini membuatku sangat marah)

5. for me, it is cooking blood (untuk ku, ini membuat marah)

English Topic

Created by Rina Khafizah


Examination standards are still warm to discuss. after the discourse from the Ministry of Education and Culture stated that the NATIONAL EXAM would be a determinant of graduation for each student, many people regretted it. not to mention the standard set was high enough to be achieved by students. many students complain about this because it is considered too harsh to make them stressful and difficult to focus on learning.

in our opinion, the standard of the test does not have to be determined. Why? first, because with the set of standard values ​​for the exam, the student concerned will be stressed and also expect more on the national exam so that he does not focus on other exams. second, not all students are able to balance the ability of other students to get the same score. there could be students who are only able to get a score below the standard even though he has studied earnestly. thirdly, there is an inner pressure that makes students always think to learn and study continuously and end up not maintaining their health. not to mention, the standardized tests set by the government are so high that it costs a lot of money. Indeed it may be true, these standards can improve the value of education in Indonesia, but can only be applied to a number of schools that have met the standards. therefore, we strongly support our argument.

in our opinion, the standardized test set by the government is not too high. it can make students who were lazy be able to study hard. with the standardized test scores set by the government, it can be an encouragement to motivate students to undergo exams with the aim of being able to enter their favorite universities. especially with the issue that national examinations area determinant of graduation, students are encouraged to look for material that they need to face exams, moreover with the development of current information technology, facilitate them in finding material or even discuss online with their friends to discuss the same material. For health factors, of course there are parents and teachers who will not push them too hard in learning. if you want to go to a favorite college, then they have to struggle to get it. after all, national examinations can be a benchmark to where students' abilities, by knowing where they are and in what areas they are mastering, will make it easier for them to take an education level that suits them. therefore we strongly support our argument.

The exam aims to measure the ability of a student and test the knowledge he has obtained during school. With the existence of a national examination, each student can self-assess how they are, what they remember and what they know. Moreover, the existence of a national examination standard can trigger students to pursue their dreams, but indeed the standard set should not be too high. Then with the discourse that the national exam will be the determination of graduation can make students expect big on the exam and prefer to focus on the exam rather than on assignments or even school exams. this of course disrupts the quality of student learning. not to mention if the student is too late in learning, then he will forget his own health and make him sick. If students get sick, naturally the learning process will be disrupted. so in our opinion, the conclusions that we can take are the test standards are indeed good for encouraging students to be more active in learning, but students need to be reminded also to relax for a moment and not be stressed due to the monotonous learning process.

Puisi : Hari Kelulusan

Telah tiba hari yang kita nanti
Hari dimana kita berdiri di sini dengan menatap satu sama lain
Seolah esok takkan jumpa lagi wajahmu
Takkan lagi mendengar suaramu
Takkan lagi menggenggam tanganmu

Kau dan aku siap meninggalkan tempat ini
Siap untuk melangkah di tempat baru
Siap menghadapi lembar cerita yang baru
Menutup lembar kisah ini dengan rasa bangga
Seolah kita telah menciptakan cerita yang luar biasa

Mungkin nanti akan ada rasa rindu
Kala melihatmu melalui jendela kaca
Melihatmu tersenyum dengan orang yang baru
Seolah hati ini berkata, 
Dulu kau dan aku tersenyum bersama

Hari ini kuteguhkan dalam hati
Aku takkan menangis
Takkan menahanmu agar tetap di sini
Karena aku tahu lingkaran waktu terus berputar
Mengubah posisi tiap titiknya

Alasanku berdiri di sini adalah, 
Aku ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas pertemanan kita 
Atas kenangan yang telah kita ukir bersama
Mungkin terdengar konyol saat kau mendengarnya
Karena ini hanya untaian kata

Ingin rasanya kala memelukmu, 
Tak ingin lepaskan rasa hangat ini
Seolah lengah sedikit saja aku akan kehilanganmu selamanya
Tapi apa yang mampu kuperbuat? 
Sudah tiba saatnya kita melangkah pergi

Mungkin hati ini tak siap
Karena jujur, rasanya sukar melupakan kenangan kita
Tapi kenangan itu punya tempat tersendiri
Karena hari ini hari kelulusan
Hari dimana kita siap untuk menjadi pribadi yang lebih dewasa

Ayo, kawan
Kita kejar cita-cita
Jangan patahkan semangatmu
Jangan risaukan rintangan di depanmu
Aku yakin kau mampu
Aku yakin, 
Kita mampu

Tumbang Miri, 13 Mei 2019
Rina Khafizah.